We've been getting a lot of amazing people contacting us on this website to see how they can be a part of SGEFF. It's so inspiring to see the momentum building and the community coming together!!
One of the people who contacted us was the inspiring Angela Chng, a videographer and programmer of Voice of the Earth, a project that supports the Jane Goodall Institute.

"Sharing a vision of harmony between people and nature through art, music and poetry" -
Voice of the Earth is a collaboration to co-create something meaningful. It all started when a girl named Fumika wrote "Message from the Crickets" and the friends decided to design a t-shirt and then next came along a song!
When we met with Angela, she said she would ask their amazing designer, Jeannie Neo, to see if she was interested in helping us build a logo for SGEFF.
The idea of having a pangolin in the SGEFF logo was one that we had from our very first meeting. However, none of us had the necessary skills to design!! So when Angela suggested to help, we immediately asked for help with a pangolin logo!! They agreed, and Jeannie Neo didn't take very long to "combine the pangolin to a film reel and add a leaf in the 'e' in "Eco", leading to the final design :)"
The final version we settled on is pretty much the first version Jeannie sent us. All we really wanted was to change the colour and add more scales to the little pangolin (cleverly incorporated into the film reel). We feel extremely lucky and excited to present our fantastic new logo here:

We got to meet Angela for the first time at our most recent team meeting a few days ago, where we got a little closer to finalizing our shortlist of films for the festival and I don't really remember much because it was just too HOT..[If you hadn't noticed, the last few weeks have been ridiculously hot. Globally, 2015 was the hottest year on record, and 2014 the hottest year on record before that. Last Weds it was the hottest day in a decade in Singapore at 36.7 degrees C. ((I didn't mind so much because I had just returned from Cambodia on the weekend where the max daily temp was hitting 40 degrees several times during my visit!!!)
2016 is most likely going to break the 2015 record.
Unfortunately, Angela had to leave before our customary group pic but here is everyone else who turned up:

We end this post with a big THANK YOU to the Voice of the Earth team for their gift and in particular, Jeannie for her effort and patience :) We'll be plastering our pangolin logo all over our website soon :) Angela has kindly offered to help us re-design and set up our new website so we can all look forward to that!