Recently a few of us descended upon the Grumpy Cyclist for a meeting with the KL Eco Film Festival team. We had been talking to Yasmin, the founder of EcoKnights (which runs the KLEFF), since last May about a partnership. With SGEFF preparations moving along, we decided it was time to visit them in KL and say hello in person!

2 hours flew by starting with introductions, details of our partnership and in between a lot of good advice (both practical and technical) from Fadly, the programme director of EcoKnights. Over coffee, we discussed how to cross-advertise and participate in each other's festivals. Now in their 9th year, evaluating the impact of KLEFF has become more important than ever, and for us a great opportunity to learn from them and incorporate these methods into our festival!
We also had some new friends from the Tropical Rainforest Conservation and Research Centre join our meeting with KLEFF. Since we spent most of our time talking about films and festival planning, after coffee we stopped over at their office, which was just down the road, to find out more about their projects on seed banks, living collections and reforestation. We're looking forward to visiting and filming their projects, but mostly, we were impressed by their beautiful garden (jk guys! ;)

It was a long intense afternoon and well worth the short trip to KL. We'll be continuing to shortlist our films with the help of KLEFF, and you can be sure to expect KLEFF and TRCRC participating in some way at our film festival this year!
You can see TRCRC in Action here:
Keep in touch for more updates soon!!!
Update by Adeline, Festival Director