So! It's only been a couple of weeks since the idea turned into a reality - but things are going ahead super well! Today we had an awesome meeting with Adeline, Jac, Abi, Natalia and two new volunteers Irene a local documentary filmmaker and Celine from the Peoples Movement to Stop the Haze!
We wanted to make sure, that before picking out which films to screen, we secure 6 important themes that we want to cover that is both important, relevant and interesting for the event!

After a big brainstorm listing all the ideas, we grouped the ideas together under 7 main catagories:

Form here, our Curation team will select 7 amazing films to be screened, and the rest of the team will start to plan different activities and workshops to coincide with the screenings!
We discussed what we feel the opening film should be and watched this great trailer:
HOWEVER! We want to keep the opening night film as local as possible, so the decision has not yet been made. We want to screen something a bit closer to home.
Some people wanted to screen "Wild City" (( and tweet to David Attenborough to attend!) but maybe the opening night should be something new. TO BE CONTINUED!
We also discussed how we can measure the festivals impact afterwards and see if we can really make a difference. So some of the team will begin looking into evaluation and how we can measure results and track our progress to protect the environment!
All in all, we're super excited to keep things moving! Some Grant & Partnership proposals have been sent, so hopefully we'll be able to confirm some commitments soon! However if you know ANYONE that would like to support us, please get in touch!
- Jac, Festival Manager