Recently, I was lucky enough to attend the Responsible Business Forum in Jakarta, and took the opportunity to meet one of our regional partners; In-Docs!
In-Docs creates breakthrough programs that improves the capacity of Indonesian filmmakers, improves access for Indonesian audience to watch documentaries, and connects documentary films to strategic partners that help the films achieve strong impact in the society!
Since 2002, In-Docs has conducted workshops in 13 cities in Indonesia, discovering raw talents and producing quality documentaries from unlikely places!!
And if that wasn't cool enough, In-Docs is proud to host the first ever Good Pitch² Southeast Asia!

Good Pitch² Southeast Asia is a satelite event of Good Pitch, contextualize for Southeast Asia. The program itself, Good Pitch, is originally conceptualized by BRITDOC and Sundance Documentary Institute, and has been running for years, in global and many regional level. And for the region of Southeast Asia, this will be the first time, and organized independently by In-Docs.
"We realized that there are many powerful documentary films from our region, but at the same time, we've acknowledged that conceiving and executing the campaign beyond screenings, is a rather challenging process. Therefore, through Good Pitch² Southeast Asia, we aim to offer an opportunity to collaborate with various stakeholders to harness the power of the film for social change."
The essence of the program is to connect documentary filmmakers with the right funders and partners in order to amplify the impact of the selected films. They are highly interested and committed to forge coalitions and campaigns for the contemporary social issues raised in the selected documentary films to create mutually beneficial partnerships that is good for the film, good for the partners, and good for society.
To find out more about the Call-for-Entries, please visit this page OR email
Thank you SO MUCH to Amelia & Suryani for spending the time with me to chat about SGEFF and future collaborations! Exciting things lay ahead!!
~ Jac, Festival Manager
Thank you SO MUCH to Amelia & Suryani for spending the time with me to chat about SGEFF and future collaborations! Exciting things lay ahead!!

Amelia Hapsari, Suryani Liauw, Uyen Dang and myself catching up in Jakarta!